Devo Jr Spring Schedule for April 4th through May27th:

Monday: Kindergarten 4-5:30 (Coaches: Sara Tescher Stephan Davoust)
Monday: 1st Grade 4-6 pm(Head coach:Sabina Krashaar)
Tuesday: 20″ Inchers ages 2nd-4th 4- 6 pm(Head Coaches: Sabina K, Ron Thompson, Sarah Tescher)
Tuesday: 24″Inchers ages 3rd-5th 4-6 pm (Head coaches: Ivan, Taylor, Keenan, Helen)
Wednesday: All Girls Ride ages 2nd-5th 4-6 pm (Head coach: Sarah Tescher, Nicole, Mel, Caroline)
Wednesdays: 24″/26″ Advanced ages 4th-5th 4- 6 pm (Head coach= Brendan, Stephan, Helen)
Thursday: All Girls Advanced ages 4th-5th 4- 6 pm (Head coach= Annie Cheeney, Sarah S., Melissa, Kay)
Thursday: Co-ed 24″Inchers ages 3rd-5th 4-6 pm (Helen, Catherine, Aubrey)
Tuesdays 10-11 am Devo Stryder group(Booya!)

Things to know: First day of practice will be a bike set up day with the Fort Lewis College Cycling team, there will be a trailwork day at BMX track for all groups, and the Devo Jr fun race with photo shoot will happen again on May 25th, the week of the Iron Horse!

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