Horse Gulch Dedication This Friday!
Trails 2000 planned, built and helped secure trails in Horse Gulch since its inception and is very excited to work with the City of Durango on a dedication ceremony taking place this Friday, November 5th. The City has purchased over 1100 acres in Horse Gulch and these properties were all preserved with the assistance of major grant funding from Great Outdoors Colorado.

The City would like to recognize its partnership with GOCO and others with a brief dedication ceremony this Friday November 5th between 12:15 PM and 12:45 PM in the Horse Gulch Meadow. Lise Aangeenbrug, Executive Director of GOCO will be in attendance as will other partners, and members of the City Council and Advisory Boards.

The weather forecast is calling for sunny and mid 60s Friday so please come out and join us in marking this important community milestone. We will meet at the Horse Gulch trailhead at noon (located on 3rd Street just north of Building Specialties) and hike or bike to the dedication ceremony in the meadow, approximately 1/2 mile up the trail.

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1 Comment

  1. […] Tomorrow, Friday, November 5th is the Horse Gulch dedication. The work of Trails 2000, the City of Durango, and Great Outdoors Colorado have been in collaboration for quite some time to bring about this amazing natural resource to our community. Meet at the trail head (3rd Street) at 12pm and hike/bike the half mile to the dedication ceremony. More info here. […]

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