DSCF4640“Don’t forget to spread the word! Its getting big, Looking like it WILL be the largest comp of the year in the US, Still only 20-25 trials rider, and maybe 10-15 Mt bike class, but that’s a great step for trials! There’s guys coming from TX, AZ, NM, CO, WA, IN, CA.  Anyone under 18 needs a parent to sign a waiver.  Mt Bike class is $10  includes a steamworks pint glass, a free beer or soda at the awards ceremony, lunch at the event site compliments of steamworks brewing, there’s also a free raffle for a Rockshox Reba and other prizes at the awards ceremony at Steamworks at 5:00. Spectators can get a free raffle ticket.  We obviously encourage riding bikes to the event since parking is limited.  Free lunch is limited to 50 riders!  www.trialsfromthecrypt.comThere will be at least 4 or 5 former or current worlds team members attending.  Good Times! Thanks Devo!”  Ryder-event organizer

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