Trailwork Thursday, August 5, 2010:
Location: Skyline Trail
Time: 4:00pm to 7:30pm
Directions: Take Goeglein Gulch road to the Skyridge Neighborhood. Turn left onto Jenkins Ranch Road and drive to the end of the pavement where you’ll see the red Trails 2000 truck parked.
Wear/Bring: Close toed shoes, sunscreen, hat, water
The Skyline trail is that sweet singletrack that leads you from the north end of Jenkins Ranch Rd, in Skyridge, up to the far north end of Raider Ridge. It tops out on the ridge section that is forested, if looking from town. The trail that was used for the Singlespeed World Championships, and the unridable walking section half way up has been rerouted and is currently under construction. This is where Trails 2000 will be working their magic in the next months. This will become one of the best, hardest climbs in town, if it is not already!

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