Telegraph Trail                               Climbing
(D:Horse Gulch, 3rd street behind SonicAnimas High School Joins the National Interscholastic Cycling Association

The Animas High School Ospreys will be jumping into the newly created
Colorado High School Cycling League, starting this fall. The paperwork for

the team is being completed as we speak with the help from Animas High
School’s  Michael Ackerman and Jesse Hutt and Durango Devo’s Sarah Tescher
and Chad Cheeney.  Michael Ackerman, AHS’s Head of School, commented, “This
partnership with Durango Devo’s coaches creates unique opportunities for
students.  More young adults will be able to get out and enjoy biking on our
beautiful trails while learning skills from pro cyclists.  And we know that
students will enjoy competing in races around the state.”  The team will be

open to all levels of riders with the goal being competing as a team at the
State Championships on Halloween weekend in Elbert, Colorado. Sign up for
the class begins next week, so look out for the green and gold Ospreys!

polo mallets fall to the ground in Telluride.....this photo really has nothing to do with AHS.
polo mallets fall to the ground in Telluride.....this photo really has nothing to do with AHS.

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