Alicia is now in Canada to prepare for this weekends World Championships, here is an update,

“Hey guys here is an update from Mont Saint Anne.
After a 8 hour drive in the old volvo Elke and I finally made it to Mont Saint Anne. Sunday night we pulled into our hotel around 8 which was perfect because it gave us a little time to spin out our legs before going to eat some really good pizza at a local restaurant that Elke knew of. It was really cool because when we got there the teams from Brazil and Sweden where there along with a couple Dutch riders, and the girl from Chili that I raced with in Windham.
Yesterday, after having a very lazy morning we headed to the team hotel and settled in there before going to ride the course. The course was the most technical riding I have ever done. The weather here is uncharacteristically hot hot and dry. Therefore the course is very, very dry and loose. there are huge sand pits and around some of the switch backs you sink in super deep. It was really helpful having Elke to ride with. She used a bike from the Luna Team, so she could ride with me.”

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