You may have noticed “Lost Dog” posters tack’d up all over Durango’s trailheads earlier this week. Sundance, the therapy dog, from Albuquerque, went missing after bolting upon hearing the first booms of Durango’s 4th of July Fireworks. U14er Charlie Greenberg was watching the show when he saw Sundance running through the streets unattended. On wednesday’s U14 team practice, the athletes were riding the meadow backwards when coach Chad came upon the loose leashed Australian Shepherd and the dog instantly led out the group towards the dry frog beds. U14er River recognized the dog and bolted up the hill to track him down, knowing that his owners had been on the hunt. To no avail, the team headed back down to the parking lot. Then U14er Devin Feilen decided to forgo his post ride meal, and hunt down Sundance. He rode the meadow backwards and foreword several times and then spotted the Therapy Dog in about the same area as earlier. He then contacted the owners and led them to the area, where the family was reunited and finally able to return home to Albuquerque. Nice work Devo Dog Catchers!

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