U19 Devo athlete Howard Grotts took his second road win in as many tries this past weekend at the Moab Gran Fondo. The mass start 60 mile race took the athletes up that sweet road along the Colorado river and then took a right at 17 miles, and headed towards the La Salls and then back to Durango. Howard broke away early with DWC rider Jon Delacey and worked together to build a 5 minute lead over the peloton.  The Howard broke away from Jon when he believed the KOM award to be at the top of a climb, when he arrived at the top of the hill, he realized the KOM was still 10 miles away. Howard continued on solo and collected the KOM and rode in solo the remaining 30 miles to victory. His time was 2 minutes off the course record and race organizers where so impressed with his effort that they awarded him the $250 prize for breaking the course record. Durango’s Jon Delacey finished minutes back in second place. Nice work Howard and Jon. Check out his results here.

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