Wow, its 5-20-10. That means the Iron Horse Bicycle classic is coming up. And that means the DEVO Bike Swap. If you have stuff to sell, bring it to the fairgrounds thursday the 27th and we will help price it and place it on the sales floor. Friday is the sale and we are still looking for volunteers, contact Sarah if interested in helping. That friday the Bahati Foundation Pro Cycling Team will be riding with all the DEVO riders participation in the IHBC. 330 from the Fairgrounds, the team will roll out on road bikes and have some fun.

You've got stuff to sell. Next Thursday, bring it to the fairgrounds
You've got stuff to sell. Next Thursday, bring it to the fairgrounds

DEVO coaches have been active at the schools this week. Park, Needham, Riverview and another one are all involved in bike to school week and are hosting bike rodeos to help get kids to school in a healthy manor. Trails 2000, Bike Lemonade, hassle Free Sports and the DPD Bike Patrol crew were all in attendance helping kids. Coach Chad jumped his new Turner off the Park Elementary gym stage and his wheel exploded in front of 200 cheering youngsters. Chad was quite embarrassed, but enjoyed the laughter and finger pointing.

Speaking of youngsters, the Jr DEVO Fun Race and Short Track is about to happen. Next wednesday night, June 26th at TBA and at TBApm, the DEVO Fun Race will end the jr DEVO season in style. There are several categories and lengths for all skill levels, so please come and join in the action. Adult spectators beware, this is a very, very entertaining event.

The following wednesday is the first AOA/DEVO Short Track Series race at the TBA. The races start at 530 with the B men and women, followed by the Kids race at 6 and the A race at 630. The short track is a 15-25 minute race around a short 3-6 minute loop, a set number of laps are choosen and first one to complete the number of laps and cross the finish line wins. This is great fun and also amazing training in a short period of time. Races cost $10 and benefit the Durango DEVO junior program….us.

Oh yeah, IHBC means DEVO Coffee. We have a new batch this season and will be selling it at the Fairgrounds during the IHBC.

Oh Yeah again, Movie night at the Smiley Building on Saturday night, 6pm. This is another DEVO fundraiser and we are showing a super rad film about the 2006 tour, called Hell on Wheels. It is a beautiful film with some good characters and some pretty sweet tour moments. It will be quite the film after racing to Silverton. Make sure to get yourself a seat.

The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Cycling Team’s manager Grant Berry announced earlier this month the inclusion of DEVO’s Alicia Rose Pastore to their team for the 2010 season. This is the 3rd athlete to be signed to an amateur team while training with DEVO, Tad with the U23 National team in 07′ and Ben K with Directory Plus in 06′.

Tomorrow, friday, the DEVO team will be at the factory trails practicing a short track race around 345. If anyone is interetsed in joining us, show up by 4pm and you can come sweat with us. Have a nice Roost!

Coach Chad

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