AOA:STXC2010Races take place every wednesday evening at the Factory Trails on the FLC Campus, Durango BMX or Durango Mountain Resort for 11 weeks. There will be a B men/women race at 5:30pm at a duration of 20 minutes. A kids race will begin at 6pm and the A men and women will race at 6:30pm. Each race will be scored in an overall results format, with men and women being separated. Juniors will be lumped in with the overall results and age will be noted next to their placing. It will not be scored as an overall points series.

Small money primes will be awarded throughout the series depending on racer turnout. This is a Durango DEVO fundraising effort.

2010 AOA/DEVO STXC Series Schedule

June 2 Durango BMX

June 9 Factory Trails at FLC

June 16 Factory Trails at FLC

June 23 Factory Trails at FLC

June 30 Circuit Course at DMR

July 7 Factory Trails at FLC

July 14 No Race

July 21 Durango BMX

July 28 Circuit Course at DMR

August 4 Factory Trails at FLC

August 11 Factory Trails at FLC

August 18 Factory Trails at FLC

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