Joe was on the first Devo team in 2006. He currently is attending the School of Mines in Golden, CO and rides his bike most often.
Joe was on the first Devo team in 2006. He currently is attending the School of Mines in Golden, CO and rides his bike most often.

Q: How did you get into mountain bike racing in Durango? and what kept you progressing in the sport?
A: The Miller Mountain Bike Club, lead by Sarah Tescher got me into riding and racing. The support of the community and the opportunities Durango provides kept me progressing until cycling was my way of life.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories from the first years of DEVO?
A: The team rides, making progress and racing with a supported crew of awesome people.

Q: Was it hard to get involved with the cycling program at Colorado School of Mines? What is the program like there?
A: The Mines cycling team is super friendly and open to all abilities, We are a racing team but keep it fun and rider friendly.

Q: You lead the collegiate program now, what are your roles and responsibilities?
A: I am responsible for promoting a mountain bike race in the fall and a road race in the spring, I also manage the teams whole budget and what races members attend.

Q: What have been some good collegiate cycling moments thus far?
A: The races are laid back and are all about having fun while racing, Collegiate Nationals is always a highlight for me.

Q: Do you have any tips for the young Durango rippers?
A: Find your passion in cycling, racing fast will come from that.

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