Last Friday several Devo coaches and an athlete headed over to the grand opening of the Durango Performance Center. We arrived just as Dr. Bruce Andrea was explaining his services that will cater to the local athletic community. Local pro road rider for the newly formed Bahati Foundation Team, Neil Coleman was the guinne pig as cycling coach Rick Crawford ran through a Vo2max/blood lactate test for the crowd. Along with the athlete testing services, Dr. Andrea has started up a non-profit in the aims of studying heart performance in youth athletes and diagnosing disease. Called the Philippides Project Inc. after the famed pre-Olympic message runner who died instantly after running over 300 miles to inform the land of the competition ahead. The project is looking for funding to begin working with the communities youth athletes.

Coach Rick Crawford awaits the moment when he gets to prick pro racer, Neil Coleman's finger to obtain a blood lactate level.
Coach Rick Crawford awaits the moment when he gets to prick pro racer, Neil Coleman's finger to obtain a blood lactate level.

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