The Durango DEVO U14 and U19 mens and women’s teams will be pushing off for Fruita, Colorado this weekend to attend the Rabbit Valley Rally. The race consists of a mountain bike time trial on saturday and a cross country on sunday. In attendance will be 15 DEVO athletes including 2009 National Cross Country Champion, Alicia Rose Pastore. 2009 mens 15-16 winner Howard Grotts will be taking a weekend of local road racing instead, attending the Squawker Classic. The work load is now set for Gino Pastore and Sepp Kuss as they take his spot in the pack. DEVO has athletes racing from Cat1 to Cat 3, with alumni and coaches and parents in the action as well. Currently DEVO has 5 alumni racing in the pro category, Tad Elliott, Ben Kraushaar, Joe Schneider, Chase Orrick, Evan Elliott for dh and Taylor Borucki for dh.

Check out the site for more information,

Sepp finishes the Time Trial
Sepp finishes the Time Trial

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