Hip Hip Hooray, the DEVO 2010 season begins today with the U14 boys and girls practice. Starting at 4pm, the middle school athletes will embark on yet another mountain bike season to remember. With all this snow still around, we are set for an amazing spring of loamy trail conditions. And the flowers are bound to be amazing.

Sunday the DEVO U14 and U19 coaches met early at the  Rec Center and went ona fun group ride. The first mission was to see if Animas was good and boy was it ever. The wildlife closure is still in effect, but even that small loop had the group pumped. After that it was off to a quick jump sesh at a nearby curb ramp and then a nice spin over to bread to eat some coffee and drink some bread. We have a super solid coaching squad this season and it was evident after the ride that we all are on the same track. Now lets have some fun!!,

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