Martha Iverson took it to the drums at the Irish Embassy Pub Roller Races
Martha Iverson took it to the drums at the Irish Embassy Pub Roller Races
Matt Schriver, the FLC coach won the thing with a record perfomance of 10.7 mikes in 15 minutes. The event was organized by FLC Team Manager, Dave Hagen who shared a birthday with the night. He was presented with an autographed FLC jersey at the end of the night. The jersey was signed by post and present FLC athletes and Hagen-Fans.
Matt Schriver, the FLC coach won the thing with a record perfomance of 10.7 mikes in 15 minutes. The event was organized by FLC Team Manager, Dave Hagen who shared a birthday with the night. He was presented with an autographed FLC jersey at the end of the night. The jersey was signed by post and present FLC athletes and Hagen-Fans.

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