Our sister in the traveling spandex, Krista Park has given Devo coaches Annie and Chad a Raxter Bike Rack for their van to travel to and fro Devo action in 2010. The current rack on Coach Chad’s van was purchased by his parents, for the family van, in 1989, and has been used ever since. It looked it too, so when traveling pro mountain biker, Krista swung through for a local short track race, it was evident they needed to upgrade.

The rack Devo recieved was the folding 1.25″ hitch, 3 Bike Rack. It holds 3 bikes and folds up out of the way when not in use. It has not seen a trip yet, so we will be sure to report how it works as soon as we have to drive somewhere to ride. Thanks to Raxter for the generous gift.

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