DEVO’s own cancer surviving cyclist, Keenan Desplanques gets to dine with Lance at tonight’s post movie dinner. The fellas from the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic were nice enough to get a few spare tickets, and they chose Keenan. The 12 and three quarter year old is going to be pumped up, he Loves Lance Armstrong! Keenan has been riding with DEVO for 4 years now and completed his first year on the U14 team this year. He went to the National Championships in Sol Vista and placed 10th in the 11-12 dudes. He was very stoked on the experience. The “Speed Demon” as he is called is also a honch BMX racer and has his last big race of the season coming up soon. Wish him luck if you see him around. Have fun at the dinner.

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1 Comment

  1. Keenan is a fast dude and friend. San Diego wishes you luck at the Grands! Hope we both will have some pretty big trophies to bring home.

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