Calling all women mountain bikers and those wishing to be women mountain bikers (cross-dressers need to be approved by our committee before partaking!)….this is the last chance to learn mountain bike skills from Elke Brutsaert and Sarah Tescher.  Aug. 22nd from 9 am– 1 pm will be our last clinic of the season for all levels of riders.  From 12- 1pm, we will be visited by local female mountain biker, mom of 3, and pilates teacher Lyra Parker to go over pilates for cycling.   This is a low intimidation clinic for all women who just want to feel more comfortable riding and to learn skills from Elke, a 2009 National Champion, and Sarah, a mom of 2 and local racer.  IGNORE the posters around town tauting this as a race clinic…it is not a race clinic although we may be able to convince Elke to teach us all how to jump!

Pre-reg online at or just head into Mountain Bike Specialist.  10% of proceeds go to the Fort Lewis Female Cycling Team!  More info?  Just call Sarah at 779-8480 or email.

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