Two Durango athletes, DEVO alum Tad Elliott and superstar Todd Wells made the cut to represent the US squad at the World Championships in Austrailia. Props to them. Props also should be given to U19 ladies team member Kaila Hart. A sport racer last season, Kaila made it a goal to make the team for her last year as a junior racer. She had two races to prove her worth and she did just that by placing 3rd at the US National Champs in Granby and 3rd in Vermont last weekend. In Granby she was in 2nd place going into the final lap, only to be chased down by junior Boulder honch, Jill Behlen and then in Vermont was in 5th place and threw down a last effort to get the 3rd spot. Kaila worked very hard all year and her accomplishments are not overshadowed by the fact that the US team did not select her. We know it is not about being picked or not, it is about the development and the life experiences learned along the way, that is what it is all about. Nice work Kaila and good luck to those of you who did get picked.

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