Chase Orrick has graduated from the program. He will be missed and is on a mission to be a pro filmer at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Chase was on the first DEVO team in 2006 and won 2 overall series Super Downhill Championships while racing. He also shot and produced 2 full length bike films documenting the 2007, 08 DEVO race seasons, as well as working for IDTV in 2008, making monthly 2 minute short films that updated the community on the happenings of DEVO. Keep up the hard work Chase and have fun in college!
Chase Orrick has graduated from the program. He will be missed and is on a mission to be a pro filmer at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Chase was on the first DEVO team in 2006 and won 2 overall series Super Downhill Championships while racing. He also shot and produced 2 full length bike films documenting the 2007, 08 DEVO race seasons, as well as working for IDTV in 2008, making monthly 2 minute short films that updated the community on the happenings of DEVO. Keep up the hard work Chase and have fun in college!

Q: How did you first here about the DEVO program and what did you expect?
A:Well I first actually heard about the program through Ben Kraushaar’s mom. My mom was an orthodontist assitant at the time and Ben’s Mom happened to come into the office one day. Ben’s mom mentioned the program and gave me Chad Cheeney’s phone number. I gave Chad a ring and had a little informal meeting with him and joined the team at that time. I really didn’t know what to expect from the program, especially since this was the first year Durango DEVO was around. But it was amazing. I think there were like 9 kids on the team or something like that so it was SUPER sweet!

Q: What is the most bestest skill you learned while training with DEVO?
A: Probably just learning how to be all around a good rider. The program really emphasizes the importance of being good at everything on every kind of terrain. That’s super key to being a strong racer, being all around good at everything. Being a great descender wont win you a race, nor will just being a great climber. You have to be both in order to succeed in racing.

Q: What has been you favorite day of practice? And what makes it stand out?
A:Oh man, that’s a difficult question for sure. They all were favorites, there are definitely some that stand out. If I had to pick one night out of any I actually am going to pick the night that I shot Chad’s Movie Segment for my first Film, Durango DEVO. I know that it wasn’t really a practice and I was filming instead of riding but that night still stands out hugely in my mind. Chad was shredding hogsback apart over and over again, and I was just in awe of Chad’s skill and control. Then Chad proceeded to hit pretty much every jump up on powerlines on his singlespeed hardtail with the seat fully raised. I was just so excited because a segment that I really really wanted to come together ended up being better than I could have ever hoped.

Q: How about race results, What has been your biggest accomplishment?
A: I’ve pretty stoked on my 2 Mountain States Cup Super D Series Championships that I won in 2007 and 2008. And also in 2008 I got 3rd Place at the National Round in Dear Valley for Junior Super D which was sweet because the field was STACKED with fast dudes.

Q: If you could have one bike for the rest of your life, what would that be?
A: I would definitely have to say my Tomac Carbide SL. It’s a way sweet bike and Tomac has really helped me out this year by letting my ride for them. It’s just a great all around bike that does just about everything well. I love it and thanks to Joel Smith over at Tomac for all the help and support this year.

Q: You made two killer films about DEVO during your time on the team. Is filmmaking something you are going to keep on pursuing? Will you shoot another for us in the far off future?
A: I’m actually going to school for film so I”m definitely trying to pursue it for my career. I just really love everything about filming from shooting to editing to finally seeing the finished product up on the big screen. As far as shooting further stuff with DEVO I would love to. With how busy I was getting ready for college this year I wasn’t able to make another DEVO film, but who knows, I”ll be back in future summers and would love to shoot some more 😀

Q: What classes are you taking this semester? Have you had time yet to sample the local singletrack.
A: I’m taking some film classes right now as well as some Communications Classes mainly. All stuff thats going towards my major as a Film Studies Student. I actually haven’t had a chance yet to sample very much singletrack. I’m going for a ride this weekend though with the ‘ol Mountain States Cup Crew that lives up here in Boulder. It’s awesome seeing all these kids who live in boulder that I have raced with for years now over the circuit. They have been awesome so far in showing me around and letting me know the best spots to shred. 

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  1. thanks man for sharing this

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