Q: So a lot of us saw you out at the AOA/DEVO short track with a sling, what happened to your wing?
A: I broke my Scapula in a Mountain Bike crash while I was riding with the Wells brothers.
Q: What exact location on the trail/road did it happen?
A: I was descending from Molas Pass down to Cascade on the biking trail.
Q: What other bones and stuff have you broken, or is this a first?
A: This is the first broken bone I have ever broken but the ER staff knows Evan and I on first name basis.
Q: How do you feel now as compared to the first day of the injury?
A: I feel a lot better, I have even gotten on the trainer lately and have been riding to no where.

Q: It is early to say I’m sure, but when do you wish to race again?
A: Vermont is the goal. Be back for the east coast races. It is a hard race on the body but hopefully Dr. Blevins will have me in top form by then.

Q: Now that you are out of the U23 race at Nationals, and as the defending champ, who do you want to win it most? Can you pick the top 5?
A:I hope to see a good race that is exciting to watch from the side lines. I also hope that my team mates do well. Man it is cool to see how fast those big pros go. There will be a lot of local Durango talent in that race so it would be cool to see the boys do well in there home state. I wish all the best to Durango Devo at nationals and am looking forward to seeing every one from Durango race fast. Remember  Pin it to win it. 

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