To all the Jr. DEVO shredders out there eager to ride again this Fall, we are excited to ride with you!   Please come and sign up at the Jr. DEVO registration meeting Monday August 17th 6-7:30pm at the Rec Center.  We will provide waivers, medical and code of conduct forms for you to fill out.  Be sure to have all your contact and insurance information handy.  The Fall Jr. DEVO session runs for 8 weeks starting the week of September 7th and ending with a fun family Halloween ride at the end of October.  The cost is $150.  We offer a kindergarten ride, 6-7 year old ride, 20 inch ride, all girls ride, 24 inch ride and a 24-26 inch advanced ride.  The details of which ride falls on what day will be at the meeting and the schedules will be emailed to you and put on the blog soon after.  Your kiddo can sign up for more than 1 ride if he/she likes.  We have ordered jerseys and they should be here soon!  Spread the word to your friends, little brothers and sisters- tell them how fun it is to ride bikes with friends!

If you have any questions please email DEVO Director Annie Cheeney-  

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!

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