The Durango DEVO Bike Swap was a great success and we owe it to you.  A huge, gigantic, big THANK YOU!  to all who supported this fundraiser and made it possible, such as Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, rad local pros, Bread, Mountain Bike Specialists, selfless volunteers, and you the community.  There was a line out the door before the grand opening at 1pm and DEVO kids Dylan and Cameryn did an amazing job greeting each eager customer with a smile and collecting .50 at the door.  The buyers had so much to look at and it looked good thanks to Tracy Wilde and her amazing ability to get everything organized in under 10 hours.  Everything was labeled with signs made by Sophia, Harrison and River saying “Todd Wells is a gnarly racer!”, “Ned is the fastest xc racer ever!” and “Elke is a rippin’ downhiller!”  Dave Sigurslid ran the credit card machine for a whopping 8 hours and 42 minutes straight while his son, Haakon, did every volunteer job possible for the same amount of time; with the Ellefsons and Pastores running  a close second place in the volunteer marathon.   There were lots of smiles and laughs, even as the check out line wrapped around the corner; folks were stoked on “sweet deals”  and the DEVO kids were there to test each and every bike to make sure they were up to standard.  I can’t thank the volunteers enough for giving your time and energy to make everything run so smoothly, you did an outstanding job.   We look forward to doing it again next year, come back and see us!

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