Thanks for being patient as we get this sweet summer session sorted out. Rides will begin the week of July 6th and will meet once a week for four weeks in July. Please print off and fill out the liability, code of conduct and medical release forms and mail them to Durango DEVO, 10 town Plaza #110, Durango, Colorado 81301. Make checks payable to Durango DEVO.

Here are the offered ride groups;

Monday 1st Grade/Advanced Kindergarten 8-10am

Tuesday Kindergarten Ride 8-9:30am

Tuesday 20″ Ride 8-10am

Wednesday 24/26″ Advanced Ride 8-11am

Thursday 24″ Ride 8-10am

Here are the Forms and stuff;


summer2009Medical form

Jr code of conduct

What is Durango Devo

Group ride schedules will be out shortly there after.

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