Hey ladies!  This weekend is Durango Mountain Bike’s Camp 2nd Women’s

Clinic with Sarah Tescher and Elke Brushaert.  This is our Mother’s Day

Clinic (but you don’t need to be a mom!) from 9-1 on Saturday May 9th.  We 

will meet at Mountain Bike Specialist and start our day with some basic 

skills that can improve any level of rider.  The clinic will be about body position on all different types

of terrain; corners, climbing, descending, switchbacks, rocky sections,

etc.  Then from 12-1 we will meet with the ONLY female mechanic in

Durango and go over bike maintenance.  Don’t forget that this is a

clinic taught by women, for women, and all about women riders! 

 10% of proceeds go to the Women’s Resource Center

$50/ clinic $225 for all five 

A helmet cam from GoPro will be given to the woman who uses her hips the

most in class!  Thank you to Verde for partnering up with us! 


Slots are filling fast!  So, go to www.durangomountainbikecamp.com to 

register or simply head into MBS for a registration form.   Call Sarah at 

779-8480 for more information. 



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