
Durango DEVO role model, Shonny VanLandingham is rumored to be on an island, living off coffee and a daily dose of athletic activity. Hawaii to be exact. She has been nursing coffee trees on her property for three years now. Her is what she said,  “We bought this property w/ 200 coffee trees 3 yrs ago and have been bringing the trees back to healthy production while developing our coffee brand.  We’ve launched our 100% Kona coffee business, Wahine Farms.  Wahine means ‘female’ in Hawaiian.  Our first roast is called Kona Kruiser Dark Roast (had to relate it to bikes).  It’s a superbly balanced and smooth flavor.”

“The coffee bean harvest is over so we have an abundance of green bean that we roast to order so that it’s fresh upon arrival.  We start most days, packing and shipping orders which is great.  We will most likely run out of bean this year, a good problem to have.”

Check out their site:  wahinefarms.com

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