2008 Women’s Team & Taylor Borucki

top; Joan Walker, Hannah Madden and Sarah Autry, bottom; Kaila Hart, Alicia Rose Pastore and Coach Kricket Lewis
top; Joan Walker, Hannah Madden and Sarah Autry, bottom; Kaila Hart, Alicia Rose Pastore and Coach Kricket Lewis


Taylor Borucki the week of worlds in Italy
Taylor Borucki the week of worlds in Italy



  • The women’s team was on the top spot all season with Alicia Rose winning all the races she entered but one and Kaila, Joan and Hannah taking the top three spots overall in the MSCup series. With Coach Kricket at the helm, this team exemplified what it means to have fun and be fast. Their off the bike hang outs and their attention to detail during practice made for an excellent model of what it means to be a team.
  • Taylor Borucki accomplished his goal of making the US Worlds team for downhill this past season, but it was his attitude during his recovery from a badly timed broken ankle that has earned him this award. Taylor kept a positive attitude in spite of missing his chance at racing in Italy in early June. His teammates were lucky to witness his recovery as he kept active throughout, within his sport and his team. 
  • 2007 awards

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