The 2009 singlespeed world championships will be held in Durango, Colorado from September 16-20th. The date has been changed from the previous, August 6-9th to accommodate the world. The race itself will be saturday the 19th, with the Tour of Durango on Sunday the 20th. It will be an action packed week, with group rides beginning on wednesday evening the 16th and follwing up with am/pm rides until the race on saturday. The race is being organized by DEVO head coach Chad Cheeney, Jon Bailey, Dave Hagen, Russ Zimermann, Travis Brown, Ben Cooper and Steve Fassbinder. The group will be working closely with the Tour of Durango organizers, Gaige Sippy and Mary Monroe to make sure sweetness happens.

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  1. oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh moan oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh moan oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh moan oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man

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