The third annual Muscle Cross is this Saturday, 10am at Buckley Park, the heart of downtown. Durango Cyclery is hosting the event, with the name rooting from owner Russell’s nickname, Russell the Muscle. The event is not you typical cross race as it includes many barriers and obstacles, as compared to the modern standard of one or two. Registration begins at 9am with the fees being $10 for adults and $5 for kids, all the proceeds will be going to the upstart Durango ReCyclery, a used bike shop located downtown. 

The first event is the Kluncker Cross. 15 minutes of pain on any “non-racer” bike. Costumes and goofy things usually go down. Then the Kiddie Cross takes the stage with elementary aged kids taking to the course. Helpers are placed all along the course and the name of the game is super fun. Hot chocolate pours hot all morning, and the kids dig in when their race is over. Then at around 11:30 the B men and B women take to the course, followed by the A men and women at 12:40 or so. Last years race was cancelled due to poor turf conditions, but this year is looking perfect, so come on out and enjoy the show.

Posters will be for sale at the event
Posters will be for sale at the event

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