The Front Row
The Front Row

SInce 1981, the Road Apple Rally has been October’s kick-off to the off-season and the final local mtb race around. It happened again this year. The course was slightly sandy and the clouds kept it cool, so the race was pretty darn fast. This years overall winners were Shannon Gibson and Matt Shriver of Durango. DEVO represented as well with Henrique Pohl, DEVO’s u-19 exchange student from Brazil, taking the top junior spot for the long course. This was his second local race and he was seen grinning big-time as he hammered the singletrack. Coach Annie raced the long course and placed 3rd in the sport women, Coach Kricket took the win in the singlespeed category and Coach Chad placed 6th in the pro man. DEVO friends Travis Brown was 2nd and Ned Overend was 4th. Quinn Simmons was the lone junior DEVO racer and took a medal home. His Dad, Scott raced fast and out sprinted Coach Chad for 5th. It was a good day for a race.


Quinn Simmons, sponsored by Todd Wells Olympic Experience, take control late in the race
Quinn Simmons, sponsored by Todd Wells Olympic Experience, take control late in the race


Post race posing with coach Chad
Post race posing with coach Chad

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