Spooky stuff here. Today at 3:15, the fall jr DEVO riders will be out in costume riding around the spirit trail. Rumor has that a legendary ghost rider from 1897 will rise from the Greenmont Cemetery at approximately 4:42pm.

Buff Lesnard was an amazing kid racer in the late 1890’s and fell ill in the winter of 1890, and died the following spring. His connection to Durango stems from his off road riding habits that had the entire town, Middlebury, Connecticut,  in an uproar. He was just having too much fun riding the dirt and the tight, cranky city folk, could not take it. Bikes were meant to be ridden slowly, and on stable hard pack surfaces, as written in the city ordinances. Buff’s illness came all too soon, as his off road discoveries led him to the joys of riding in the snow, and the heavy snow season left him to die of hypothermia during a descent down the towns snowy peak, Mt. Shred. In a note found in his wool knickers, Buff had written a list of places that might just be the best place to ride off road, and Durango, CO was on that list. 

So the spirit trail and Buff will come alive today, we will be there to say what up, how about boo?

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