Friday, October 31st will be the jr DEVO Halloween Ride from 3:15-5:15. Most of the ride schedules had the ride set for thursday the 30th, sorry but I made a mistake there. Please take note and meet at the Mana Soup Kitchen meeting spot off of Avenida del Sol. This is a dress up ride and is open to parents as well as Frankenstein.

Rain make-up rides will meet the first week of November in Horse Gulch at their normal meeting times. It has been an amazing fall with a rough rainy start, a cool then cold early October and now and amazingly warm ending.

Spring DEVO starts in April 2009. If there are any Jr. DEVO riders who are in sixth grade now and would like to be on the U-14 DEVO race team, or any jr DEVO riders looking to move up a level, please contact Coach

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