Two weeks ago, U-19 DEVO rider Howard Grotts was commuting northbound through the intersection of W 3rd and Florida at the infamous “Gauntlet” three-way intersection, when a truck turning from west to north hit and knocked him to the ground. Howard rose from the gutter, scarred that the incident was deliberate, and hammered past the post-hit, idle vehicle. This is a result to an unsafe intersection and roadway.

On Thursday, October 30 from 7:30-8:00 AM the Bicycle Friendly Durango task force will hold a 30 minute “Florida Fright Fest” on the corner of Florida Rd and Oak Dr to show support for Referendum 2A, the Florida Rd Improvement Bond.  Local proponents of bicycle and pedestrian safety will be attendance including Leigh Meigs and Scott Graham.  All interested students, cyclists, and users of Florida Rd are invited to attend.  You are asked to bring signs supporting 2A and in the spirit oh Halloween, come dressed in your favorite costume depicting the dangers that befall the users of this pothole-studded roadway.  Goodies will be served.  Cyclists please wear helmets!

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