The athletes and coaches of Durango DEVO would like to thank all Schwag-Fest 2008 product suppliers. Schwag-Fest is an event that takes place at each DEVO team race the night after the cross country race. Left over cycling clothing and related items are passed out in a manner that closely resembles a mother bird feeding her baby birds a worm, with them all squawking at once, each wanting a bite of the worm. If there is a discrepancy in who should receive the item, group dynamics take over and a recipient is named. The event is open to all parents, athletes, and coaches who take part in the camping, condo or team dinner action. Local superstars Travis Brown, Kristen Johnson, Mountain Bike Specialists, Matt Phillips, Kricket Lewis, Chad Cheeney, Anthony Colby, Chris Wherry, Matt Shriver, Elke Brutsaert, Greg Herbold, Todd Wells, Jon Bailey, Dan Bowman and Shonny VanLandingham have all contributed stuff to the young athletes.


Schwag-Fest 2007 in Snowmass
Schwag-Fest 2007 in Snowmass

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