It is so sweet that we have the opportunities we do here in Durango. We are spolied rotten when it comes to local singletrack. So lets grab out gloves and ride over to Durango Mountain Park (Test Tracks,) on September 27th and celebrate. Join Trails 2000 will partner with Friends of the Durango Mountain Park and the City of Durango for a celebration of trails and land stewardship on National Public Lands Day.

The workday is set for* Saturday, September 27, 2008 *at Durango Mountain Park. This event will celebrate the planning and implementation of the work of the Durango Mountain Park Stakeholder’s Group. The group was formed by the City to analyze the Park and its needs, including honoring the conservation easement held by the La Plata Open Space Conservancy, which balances wildlife needs and recreational uses.

The property, now known as Durango Mountain Park, was threatened with development in the early 1990s. Trails 2000 and its members, working closely with the City of Durango and the La Plata Open Space Conservancy, stepped forward with funding to help begin the process of preserving the park, now nearly 300 acres in size.

All are invited to help us with trail work, trash cleanup and various jobs suitable for young and old alike. Please meet at the *Leyden Street trailhead on Saturday, September 27 at 9am.* We will work until Noon. Please RSVP by September 25 to and share in a barbeque sponsored by Trails 2000 and Friends of the Durango Mountain Park. For more information or for directions, please visit

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