Durango DEVO riders took to the podium the weekend in Brian Head, Utah at the NMBS Finals. Alicia Rose Pastore made her pressence known on the national curcuit, by winning the junior expert category by 13 minutes. Her brother Gino also had his breakthrough performance of he season by winning the 16 and under junior expert race by three minutes, and his time being worthy of a second in the older, 18 and under category. Dang. The newest member to the DEVO ladies squad, Summer Ellefson, had her first junior sport win of the season. DEVO coach, Evan Elliott had his best race as a Semi-Pro Downhiller, taking 4th. Evans brother Tad had a tough week in the pro class, placing 24th in the short track and the cross country. It has been a long season for the second year professional.  Also, Durangos Darien Harvey finished 2nd in the pro womens downhill, earning her a first place overall for the 2008 NMBS Series. Nice Work to all.


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  1. I was reading the junior expert women article on Brian Head Nationals. Essence Barton was not on the women 2008 world team.She is to young. You have to be 17 to go to worlds. Who won 1st place for the season for XC Junior expert women 18 and under ? Was it Pastore ?


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