Daniel Walker
Daniel Walker



The Jr. DEVO sign-up meeting went well as we average 7 riders per group, with the biggest being the tuesday 20inch group with 14, meaning only 2 spots remain. The Thursday 20inch group has plenty of room. The final day to sign up is Sunday the 7th by 12am. Last min paperwork and payment can be hand delivered to the mailbox at 3169 w. 3rd ave, (near Animas Mountain.) Rides begin the week of monday 9-8. We are very excited as the trails are amazing right now. Each ride will be led by coaches Anne, Chad and Jon Bailey. And will cover a different skill each week. So parents, make sure to ask questions post ride, as the information is the key to fun. 

The DEVO U-14 and 19 teams are in the last week of their summer season. The program ends this weekend, with the last team race, and final MSC Cup race, The Fall Classic in Breckenridge. The team will be leaving this friday to stay in a team condo on the mountain. The team will pr-ride together of Friday to prepare, as Saturday is the circuit race, and Sunday is the cross country. It has been one heck of a season. Thanks for sending us super positive vibes. These kids rock.

DEVO will be graduating one rider this Fall, U-19 Mens teamer Daniel Walker. This is his second year on the team. Daniel has had one of the most radical improvements in the history of DEVO. His Telegraph Time Trial record has been whittled down from 30:17 to his pr on the last TT of the season, 22:57. His consistent practice track record and his enthusiasm to improve, have been a great model for both his teammates and the younger teams. Daniel is a mountain biker. Daniel is enrolled at Fort Lewis College this fall and is taking on the dorms. Wish him luck as he ventures down the road to collegiate cycling. Nice work Daniel.


Daniel Walker shredding his way to victory at Durango Sports Club STXC early this summer
Daniel Walker shredding his way to victory at Durango Sports Club STXC early this summer

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