Boure Bike Fest

 Sunday. September 14, 2008
Trimble Loop – Lemon Dam – 45 miles
Meet at bread (not the food, the bakery ending hunger one loaf at a time).
*Ride with Ned Day*
Monday September 15, 2008
Bondad Loop – up to 75 miles
*Riders should expect road-bike-suitable dirt roads.*
Meet at CJ’s in Bodo Restaurant – located 2 buildings South of Bouré World HQ
Tuesday September 16, 2008
MTB Clinic with Chad “Chainsaw” Cheeney, USA Cycling Coach Level 2 and Durango DEVO Team Coach.
*Reservations Requred (247.0339 or )*
Colorado Trail – Durango up to Champion Ventures Mine Road, down Junction Creek Rd – up to 40 miles
Meet at the Durango Diner, 957 Main Avenue
Wednesday September 17, 2008
Road Tour of the Dryside & Cherry Creek – Western La Plata County – up to 70 miles
*Riders should expect road-bike-suitable dirt roads.*
Meet at Christina’s Restaurant at the Best Western Inn, 1/2 mile west of downtown on US 160
Thursday September 18, 2008
Telegraph Trail System  MTB Ride – up to 30 miles
Meet at the College Drive Café, 666 E. College Drive
*Ride with Ned  Day*
Friday September 19, 2008
Backroads Tour to Vallecito – up to 70 miles
*Riders should expect road-bike-suitable dirt roads.*
Meet at Oscar’s, in the Town Plaza next to Kroeger’s Hardware Store
 Saturday September 20, 2008
Baker’s Bridge-Old Shalona – 30 miles
Meet at bread (not the food, the bakery with  that wacky guy Rob), but PLEASE don’t leave your car there!
*Vintage Bike Day*
*Ride with Ned Day*

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