
B Men; 1. Christopher Blevins, 2. Daniel Walker, 3. Stephan Davoust, 4. Cully Brown, 5. James Shahan

B Women; 1. Hannah Madden, 2. Kaila Hart, 3. Annie Cheeney, 4. Joan Walker, 5. Kaylee Blevins, 6. Summer Ellefson, 

B Holeshot; Hannah Madden

A Women; 1. Alicia Rose Pastore, 2. Kricket Lewis

A Men; 1. Ben Sontag, 2. Trevor Downing, 3. Tad Elliott, 4. Chad Cheeney, 5. Chad Wells, 6. Lars Ellefson, 7. Miles Venzara, 8. Greg Lewis, 9. Erich McAlister, 10. Michael Andres, 11. Scott Simmons, 12. Howard Grotts, 13. Brendan Shafer, 14. Evan Elliott, 15. Alex Howard, 16. Gino Pastore, 17. Robin Guillaume, 18. Dave Hagen, 19. Cody Stephensen, 20. Adam Snyder

A Holeshot; Evan Elliott

past results

*August 27th at FLC’s Factory Trails will be the Super Triple Times Double Grand Final Short Track

*All riders, including DEVO’s must pay $5 with all the entry fee’s going towards top five in each category, holeshot and lap prime money prizes. This will be the final DEVO summer short track race. The course will be a fast true stxc with plenty of passing. See ya then.

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