2008 U-23 national champion and DEVO alumni, Tad Elliott was interviewed by Coach Chad and here is what he had to say on his first two World Cups of his entire career.

Q: Which world cup superstar gave you the chills when you saw them in person?                                          A: Seeing Christoph Sauser in his world champions kit sitting on a folding table waiting to ride his bike. Also Having Julien Absalon say good morning to me in perfect english, without and accent, as he blazed passed me up the climb on a training day.

Q: What is the techiest thing you saw on the start line?
A: Probably Adam Craigs brand new Giant anthem that is a prototype for 2009. Set up as one chain ring in the front and nine gears in the back. Four inches of travel in the rear, and the lightest full suspension Giant has. Also seeing Absalons custom bike, clothes, shoes, helmet and socks. Major Teched out.
Sam Hill rode by me and he had cut an old mountian bike tire and screwed it into the middle, and on top of his seat running length wise. It gives him traction in the mud when he sits down and pedals.

Q: Who did you talk to while you waited to start the race? What did you talk about?
A: I only remember talking to Troy Wells before the start of Bromont and having him ask what gear I was in. We also talked about who had to the goods for that day, and both hopping that Todd would come home with the win.

Q: Do you have a crush on any of the World Cup Women? If so Who?
A: Absolutely, a mystery girl. In Bromont I crashed and bent my water bottle holder. When I went through the feed zone Jimmy Deaton handed me my water bottle and when I put it in my cage it immediately fell out. I yelled, “OH NO” I was looking for another bottle in the feed zone and at the last minute a drop dead gorgeous blond pro women, that raced earlier in the day, handed me a water bottle. She saved me for that last lap. I said I loved her and kept racing. I don’t know her name, but if you know who she is I need a name and number NOW.

Q: What was the coolest thing about racing a World Cup?
A: There are a few cool things about racing a World Cup. You get to start in the same race as the Olympic and World Champions. The are within arms reach at the start line. Also getting my name called up to the start and getting to hear the announcers say instead of riding out of the United States, that I am riding out of DURANGO COLORADO for the United States. I also had spectators take down some course tape so that I could take a faster line in the woods.


Tad Elliott at his first World Championships in 2007......he lost big time
Tad Elliott at his first World Championships in 2007......he lost big time

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