August 6th

B Women; 1. Kaila Hart, 2. Joan Walker, 3. Annie Cheeney

B Holeshot; Kaila Hart

A Women; 1. Alicia Rose Pastore, 2. Kricket Lewis

A Men; 1. Travis Brown, 2. Trevor Downing, 3. Chad Cheeney, 4. Alex Howard, 5. Lars Ellefson, 6. Evan Elliott, 7. Greg Lewis, 8. Gino Pastore, 9. Sepp Kuss, 10. Robin Guillaume, 11. Michael Andres, 12. Brendan Shafer, 13. Erich McAlister

A Holeshot; Trevor Downing

past results

*sweetly epic shortened race due to rain and lightning stormage

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