This Saturday will be the first running of the Purg Uphill Mountain Bike Race. A benefit race for the Durango DEVO team, the mass start race will begin 9am at the Durango Mountain Resort Columbine parking lot. Please come and support our amazing youth cyclists. Get ready to climb!


The Course starts at Columbine Cabin, goes up the Ski Way to the bottom of Lifts 6 and 1.  Then it follows the normal climb of the 1990 World’s Course until mile 4.  Then it climbs the decent of Paul’s Park Trail to it’s intersection with the Los Pinos Trail.  It follows the climb of the Los Pinos Trail until it once again intersects the Paul’s Park Trail at which time it climbs the decent of Paul’s Park Trail once again.  The trail peaks out behind Lift 8, there is a short downhill section on the Elbert Creek Road  (FS Road) then climbs for the last half of a mile up the road to the top of Lift 8.

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