Bike Polo Wreckage
Bike Polo Wreckage

DEVO U-14er Elliott Saslow has taken yet another prisoner, this time it was his sister Avra’s old mtb. Last week at a routine DEVO polo practice, Elliott cornered hard to get his mallet on the ball, when his frame took to the splits. The game stopped and a quiet came over the group. “it looked so weird,” said DEVO teammate Haakon Sigerslid. Then seconds later Elliott yelped, “YES, Thats number four.” Thats right, young Elliott, at 14 years old has broken 4 mountain bike frames to date. Coach Chad was quoted a little over a year ago that, “go ahead and shred Elliott, you won’t start breaking frames until you are 17, 18…” Turns out coach was wrong.

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