Travis Brown won the inaugural Colorado Trail Classic this past weekend with a time of 8hours and 55min. Miles Venzara, Greg Lewis, Cale Redpath and Jon Bailey rounded out the top 5. The trail was in great conditions thanks to all of the enthusiastic high country hikers and bikers this amazing trail season. Trails 2000 was responsible for cleaning up the Blackhawk section and giving the riders a rideable track. Rumor has the top six riders staying together until the midway point, before they split up and eventual winner Brown getting a gap.

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  1. Molas to town in under 9 hours, holy F***. I did it with dogger back in ’03 in 13 hours with about 2 hours of stops. I was feeling pretty good and thought it would be possible to go sub 10 hours if fully supported. It is still the best mountain bike ride I have ever done. How can you beat 76 miles of high country singletrack.

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