For the second year in a row, the Hermosa Offroad Classic was a tasty-fast mudbath for the competitors who took to the challenge. Travis Brown, Trevor Downing, and Dylan Stucki took the top spots in the Pro Men and Shannon Gibson, Lyra Parker and Teal Stetson-Lee for the women. The racers are still up at the north trail-head as I type having a classic post race campout. It was seriously the best race of the year. Don’t miss it ever again. Full results to be out sometime soon.

DEVO Results;

Alicia Rose Pastore 1st Jr Ex Women, Kaila Hart 1st Jr Women, Summer Ellefson 2nd Jr Women, Howard Grotts 1st Jr Ex Men, Gino Pastore 3rd jr Ex Men, Sepp Kuss 1st jr boys, Levi Kurlander 2nd jr boys, James Shahan 3rd jr boys, Annie Cheeney 2nd sport women, Jeanne Pastore 1st sport women, Mark Pastore 4th sport men, Jess Reed 7th singlespeed B, Kricket Lewis 6th singlespeed B, Chad Cheeney 2nd singlespeed A 

2007 Results

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