
The weekly race lands in Horse Gulch for the fourth in a series of 12 races. Registration will be at 530 at the parking lot for B men and women and will move up to the meadow at the 6pm for the A’s. The B’s will go off at 6pm and will be doing 2-3 laps on the Sport Ridge Loop. The A’s will begin at 630 and will be doing 4-5 laps. The Sport Ridge consists of a start on Horse Gulch Road, up road past meadow, left at the slickrock climb to Raider Ridge, left after 50m on the traversing trail, all the way down the technical fast singletrack, hard left to join back up with Horse Gulch Road. Cost is 5$ a rider. Last weeks winners were Chris Blevins and Kaila Hart in the B’s and Alicia Rose Pastore and Ryan Trebon in the A’s. Come and race with us!

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