U-14er Stephan Davoust was riding away from practice one day when he observed the Cheeney’s miniature van rolling down the street, looking and sounding horrible. Stephan informed his father, Bob, owner of Durango’s Village Auto Care, of what he had just witnessed. Bob then offered to do a safety check on the vehicle since the vehicle takes Coaches Chad and Annie all over this mountainous state to the teams monthly races. What he found was a mistreated, unmaintained mess. Coach Chad then accepted Bobs help and drove to his shop to drop off the vehicle. Upon entering the shop, Chad was amazed at how clean it was, he had never seen or expected an auto shop to be so clean. A day passed and Bob called to say the sweet charriot was back in business. Driving the vehicle away from the shop, Annie and Chad were again amazed. This was the best the vehicle had ever driven, the steering, the engine, the headlights, the tire pressure were all spot on. Chad and Annie were very impressed and they high fived tons of times.

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