The 2nd annual Commuter Challenge will take place on Thursday, June 26 as part of the expanded Durango Bike Week event. Please go to <>  for details on the event and to register for the Commuter Challenge. Click on ‘Thursday’ to see the registration form. Please make sure to fax in the registration form (247-2513) by June 15.

 Awards will be given in three categories: one for small companies (under 25); medium companies (26-199) and one for large companies (200 plus). The winner will be chosen at the Durango Bike Week Street Fair taking place on Main Street on Friday, June 27 between 10th and 11th from 4p-7p. The Commuter Challenge winner will be awarded at 5:15 pm and we’d like a representative from your company present. The Trek Cruiser (hanging at Carver’s) will be given away at 6pm.

 Many of you have inquired about employees who have long commutes so we will accept employees who drive in, park their car and ride at least one mile to work. The phone number for the ‘T’ is: 259-5438.

 Feel free to direct any questions to Trails 2000 at 259-4682.

 Thanks for participating.

Happy Trails-Mary Monroe

Trails 2000 and the entire BTWD Committee Challenge

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