A strong team of volunteers cleared trees on our adopted section of the Colorado Trail yesterday from Champion Venture down to Gudy’s Rest. The Forest Service gate at the Animas Overlook was opened Monday and Hermosa Tours shuttled us up Junction Creek, past the Animas Overlook to Champion Venture without issue. 23 trees were cut on this trip and the trail is clear to the Wall’s Gulch bridge. (Good News: The bridge is still there, too::). There are snow patches from the bridge up to High Point.
On previous outings we cut trees from Dry Fork to High Point and from High Point to Wall’s Gulch bridge clearing approximately 60 trees total. We’ll be working on the tread from Champion Venture to Gudy’s this weekend and would be happy to see you if you decide to go for a hike or ride.
Thanks for your support. Remember, tonight is the Durango Bike Week Street Fair from 4-7p on Main between 10th and 11th streets.
Special thanks to our hard-working volunteer crews.
Happy Trails,

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