Thank you to Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, Mountain Bike Specialists and all the wonderful VOLUNTEERS who helped and supported the DEVO team this past weekend at the Velo Swap, downtown concert, and kid’s race.  There was action everywhere and all hands on deck were needed in order to pull it off.   It could not have been done without you!  Thank you to you awesome local pros for digging out your sweet stash and sharing it with us.  You not only added a lot to our inventory, you added an element of coolness to the gear!  There were tons of smiles, “sweet scores”,  and, of coarse, cookies donated from Bread.  It couldn’t have been better.  

Almost everything sold at the swap and what was left over was donated.  Those items will be distributed into the loving and eager hands of a DEVO rider.   I heard the concert downtown was a little chilly but the kids did their best pushing water donated from Coca Cola.  The kid’s race Sunday morning left me feeling like the most proud Jr. DEVO coach ever!  It was incredible watching those kids rally around the block as fast as they possibly could.  

Word on the street it was an almost perfect weekend.  Only sorry the race to Silverton on Saturday had to be canceled due to weather.  But the Ironhorse organizers held tight, kept smiling and the events that followed Saturday night, Sunday and Monday were enjoyed to the fullest.  

Thanks again everybody!

Director Annie

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